The IRS is a BULLY! It often uses audits, criminal investigations, criminal prosecutions, and the threat of any of the above actions to scare Taxpayers into surrendering viable arguments and paying more tax, penalties, interest, etc. than would otherwise be necessary.
The best way to defend a criminal IRS case is to shut it down at its’ inception. Weinberg Law Firm has actively defended many such matters for some 30 years. If there is a way to derail whatever the IRS is doing, we WILL use it.
Such matters often begin with an audit, a “routine” inquiry into tax exempt status, a “responsible person inquiry” regarding unpaid employment tax, or other IRS issues. The IRS tries to create the impression that it is all knowing, all powerful, and invincible. The IRS IS large and powerful. However, Guerilla warfare principals work against a large arrogant government agency like the IRS. If a taxpayer get an attorney who knows how to intelligently, and aggressively take the battle to the IRS, taxpayers can and DO prevail. This is what the Weinberg Law firm specializes in doing.

Don’t let the IRS make your life a living nightmare! Call:
Broward 954-763-3890
W. Palm Beach 561-355-0901
WAGING GUERRILLA WARFARE FOR YOU!! Mr. Weinberg is licensed to practice before the United States Tax Court WITH MORE THAN 30 YEARS OF LEGAL EXPERIENCE.